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Available March 31st on all major retailers and Kindle Unlimited

Fantasy with a Side of Romance

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About Me

Author by night, healthcare finance weirdo by that order. As the former kid who always had a book or notepad in her hand (oftentimes both), I started writing my first fantasy series to satisfy the itch other books weren't scratching. From that premise, I spawned a series and two other novels to share with the world. 


I'm a mom to four badass girls and frequently use them as inspiration for my characters. My biggest hope is that they chase their passions just as relentlessly, and that they don't read my books until they're at least twenty.


Oh, and I really love dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, fluffy dogs. But especially my dogs, otherwise known as the barking assholes/my shadows. My husband is pretty okay, too. He doesn't bark.

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